How to Improved Core Web Vital Scores (RED to GREEN)

Web Core web vital score is very important for ranking the website page on Google search engine. In this article I will give you the detailed for your page to Boost Your ranking on Google search engine ranking page. There are a lot of factors which affect the page from fully loading so you all have to check why your website is slow and in this journey I will give you some tips so that you will be able to improve your Google web score. So that you will be able to get your website.

How to achieve green CWV scores on mobile

Step 1: Cut the number of plugins on sites by at least 50%

You should only use those plugins which are most important for your website you should not install so much plugins on your website because plugins slow down the page from fully loading so you all have to to reduce the number of plugins on your website.

Step 2: Changed to a Different (Better) WordPress Theme If Possible

You should always use better WordPress themes so that your website speed time reduces and it also helps you do customize the website and load the page in short time. the main reason you should choose the best themes and lite themes for your WordPress Website is that it helps the page loads in short time.

Step 3: Ditched the Bloat

The big part of improving Speed and score involves getting rid of Bloat, namely plugins that slow your site down, In some cases it is substituted bloated plugin with the Leaner plugins.

Step 4: Installed Speed Optimization Plugins

Speed Optimization plugins helps the website for Optimization and speed up the website loading time so you all have suggested to use the Optimization plugin for optimization of JavaScript and CSS code because in most of the times because of JavaScript and CSS code page may take some time so you all have to optimize your JavaScript and CSS codes.

Step 5: Use Caching Plugin or CDN

It is suggested that you should use the good hosting service and if possible you must shift your website in cloud server along with this you should use caching plugins and content delivery network(CDN), So that in all the places and in all the part of the country your website load is mostly and fastly.

Did green CWV scores increase traffic?

All the Google policy and Google updates should be followed by all the website creators, because it helps the website creator to rank the page on Google search engine ranking page and it ultimately helps the website creators also. So making the correlation between Google policy updates and content creator is definitely helpful. SO you must follow the Core web vitals score to improve your website page, it will definitely help to improve your page on Google Search Page.



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